Make someone feel special with 40 Red Roses arranged one sided stepwise in a basket with lots of green foilage to make your day perfect.
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Buy 40 red roses nestled in a basket. This one is soul refreshing. Your dear one will feel like she’s on top of the world when you gift this basket of 40 red roses. It is bound to make them walk down the memory lane. This 40 red roses basket is ideal for every occasion. Give it to your loved one on your anniversary, your dear mother on her birthday or even to your daughter as she achieves success. You can even send this basket of roses to a loved one when you cannot be with them to celebrate an occasion. Simply order these red roses online, from wherever you are. We can deliver anywhere – our delivery network reaches over 150 cities in India, ensuring accurate and timely delivery. Avail midnight delivery, same day delivery and urgent delivery on your order.